GenMed: Medical Store Locator Webapp

A user-friendly web application to locate generic medicine stores in your area.

Aug, 2018 - Nov, 2018

GenMed: Medical Store Locator Webapp

GenMed: Store Locator is a Django-based web application I developed to bridge the gap between consumers and affordable healthcare. This platform serves as a convenient tool for locating generic medicine stores, offering cost-effective alternatives with the same composition as branded medicines.

At the core of this application is a MySQL database, which holds detailed information about various store locations and their inventory. I integrated Bing Maps API to facilitate an intuitive, map-based store locator feature. This allows users to easily find the nearest stores, sorted by their distance from the user's location.

A key functionality of GenMed is its medicine inventory search, enabling users to find stores based on medicine availability. This feature significantly enhances user convenience, particularly in urgent situations.

Developing GenMed was also a journey of learning and skill enhancement for me. It involved mastering Django and Python, along with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and Jinja, and deepening my understanding of database management with MySQL.